Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Bonhoeffer's Theology of the Cross

Dietrich Bonhoeffer's
Theology of the Cross

Dr. Matthew L. Becker

Wednesday, March 14,
6:30 PM

Peace Lutheran Church
Salem, Oregon

Dr. Matthew Becker, professor of theology at Valparaiso University and a native of Salem, will be giving a free public lecture at Peace Lutheran Church, 1525 Glen Creek Rd. NW, West Salem, Oregon, on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 6:30 PM. His presentation examines "Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Theology of the Cross," a topic particularly relevant as we are seeing far too much "silence in the face of evil."  

Prisoner, pastor, prophet, theologian, martyr: all these describe Bonhoeffer, the Lutheran pastor who voluntarily returned to Nazi Germany to participate in resistance efforts against that regime and who was eventually executed for his actions.

Dr. Becker's presentation will be held in the main sanctuary, which is accessible to all. 

For more information call 503-362-8500 or email office@peacelutheransalem.org.